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What’s Vaping?

What’s Vaping? What’s Vaping? It is a term sometimes used to spell it out what most non-smokers think about as smoking, but is really just a modification of what’s called smoking. An electronic cigarette is simply an electric device which simulates smoking tobacco. It usually consists of a battery, a power power source such as…

Smok Novo – What You Should Know About This E-Cigarette

Smok Novo – What You Should Know About This E-Cigarette The SMOK Novo 3 starter kit may be the third release in the Vape Starter Series, and it now features serious upgrades to create sustained functionality, features, and convenience to vapers of any skill level. With the new Novo 3 you can experience e-juice at…

Vaping Health – Are Electronic Cigarettes Bad For Your Health?

Vaping Health – Are Electronic Cigarettes Bad For Your Health? A new term has come out in the world of electronic cigarettes and it is Vaping Health. So what could it be all about? Vaping is actually the electronic cigarette technology that has been developed for the purpose of helping people to quit smoking. Many…

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